Faith Training Part 2

"Strength training for your faith"

You prayed and prayed again.
Where is the answer?

"En route".

OK,yes-  as cliche as it sounds- it's on the way.

But here's the thing- what you are getting is more than what you prayed for.

Faith: The Purpose of the process

When we pray we employ faith, right?
 Otherwise why would we talk to a being, invisible to the eye? 

So we pray- in faith- that God hears and will respond to our request and supplication.

This is the starting line.
God wants to get us to the finish line- where we are complete and lacking nothing. James 1:3-4

In order to encourage us to strive to the finish line, he uses a tactic of delay.

For example-
A baby wants his mama. He is learning to walk.
Mama puts just a few yards distance between her and baby and coaxes baby to stand. This is the starting line.
Baby is afraid, but has faith in mom that she won't let him fall.
Wobbly and nervous, but simultaneously excited, baby stands.
Yay! He smiles as his confidence (faith) rises.
 But wait,  mama- the thing desired- is still out of reach.
Yet, if baby takes two steps he can reach her.
 So he steps out, wobbles, pauses, and takes a breath.
 Now his legs are scissored apart. He has to bring the other leg forward to balance himself. Baby takes a deep breath. He emits a nervous tiny laughter, and puts weight on the front foot to bring the back foot in line with the first.
Mama smiles big. He sees her face.

Oh boy! he thinks,  mama likes this. I can do it.  OK, one more step and I can lunge.

Now with another spike of confidence he holds his arms out in front of him and slowly  lifts one foot off of the ground and puts it forward. One foot down. One more to go.
Unknown to him, however, momma has slowly moved inches back.

Baby takes a step and wrinkles his forehead..
What happened? Why am I not in mama's arms? But he is determined to reach his prize.
So he steps again, and suddenly baby is catapulted by sheer will and inertia into a short cascade of heel-to-toes, falling into mama's arms.

In one swoop he has gone from standing, to walking- along with the confidence, excitement, and  adventure that come with it. In one progressive stretch baby has begun a new chapter in his development. be continued

Catch up on part 1 or 
go to Part 3


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