Moving is synomymous for Tie- Er- ing

We are still unpacking.
And I thought packing was hard.
And now for the UN of it; the undoing of what I spent tireless weeks attempting to accomplish.

Taping; sorting, good-willing, hauling, wrapping, boxing, trashing, selling.

And with one swipe of the box cutter, all of my hard work .... *sigh

what is the point, then?

Is this how it is when we move from one level to another in our journey with God?
The sorting, the good-willing, hauling, wrapping, boxing, and possibly the most and the hardest, trashing...

And with one swipe of the heart cutter- the sharp and powerful Word of God-
 all of the heart work,
the soul work, 
the spirit work,
is -
not undone- *sigh (of relief)

God takes our heart work and refines it. He cuts off the loose ends, and polishes the rough edges. It's a relief to know that, at least in this relationship with God, it is not one-sided, and our labor is not in vain.

* For the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory which will be revealed in us- romans 8:18


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