God's voice through a broken down car- Part 1

6:15 AM. The house should have been stirring per my middle-schoolers, but no sign of them even attempting to wake up yet. I was admittedly relieved. I wasn't in a rush.
Then without fail, a number of things that needed to be addressed  during the day suddenly flooded my brain.
Oh yeah the kids need lunch money.
Oh and the car needs gas so I can get to my meeting at work.
Oh I didn't get a sitter... I guess I have to take J with me, but- is that OK?
Oh! are there leftovers for hubby's lunch?
Aw man- I need to buy tickets to the kids school play for the fam- do we have enough?

Aahhh! I wanted to go rouse my husband to go down the list.
I stopped.
The voice of the Lord said PRAY.
I went into the living room, knelt at the couch and began to talk to the Lord.
Father, I'm tired of worrying. I'm giving it you today, soooo it's all in your hands.
The peace of God was so covering. Like a weighted blanket, I could feel God's comfort. I gave him the worries of the day, and got up renewed. Then I read Jeremiah 33 and Psalm 65, and I read it again as I feel the Lord's assurance sweep over me.I thought, why can't I do this everyday. This sure feels good to have a light feeling about my shoulders.6:45 AM.

See the night before I spent some time in deliberation with the Lord trying to convince myself and him that I wasn't as much worried as I was concerned. For some reason this thing about "worrying too much" and "trying to control everything" and "worry is a sin" kept coming up like a theme in my life lately. I decided we needed to really talk this out.
Father, I really don't want to worry, it's just- aren't we supposed to look ahead? Aren't we supposed to, you know, plan things? So how can we plan things for tomorrow, yet not take thought for tomorrow. I'm totally confused! What do you expect me to do? Not think about tomorrow? I am good at the part of the verse where it says 'but in everything with prayer and supplication make your requests known to you" but that first line gets me. Be anxious for NOTHING?  I mean let's say I have 3 pounds of chicken . Do I make it all, with the thought- the Lord will provide or do I make half, so I can half left over for tomorrow? I mean I can't just pray and do nothing, right? right?

Yeah it kind of went on  like that for an hour. I started rambling- just a little. I clearly heard God's voice interrupt my thoughts-
 "Be still."  I stopped. I sighed. I obliged- for a second.  Then-
 "OK, Father, but.."
"Be still."

I don't clearly recall the sequence, but somehow the phrase "call upon the name of the Lord" came up in our conversation. I remember asking him. What does that really mean? Then he led me to Jeremiah 33:3
 ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’
This spoke volumes to me. I read it again, then read the verses after and verse 6 almost brought me to tears with its comfort.
 Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
God was literally speaking to me through his WORD. I felt faith increase as I decided to walk by faith and allow him to control my affairs for the next day- one day at a time. Let's see what the day brings. 
Fast forward to 6:15 AM this morning. I had to put my declaration into action.

Click here for Part 2


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