Parent Saver Tip #1
Anticipation Deflation
As much as we parents love to see the look of anticipation and excitement on our little lambs faces when we reveal a planned trip to a special someplace- do resist. I repeat, RESIST. Unless you are heading out the door, or are already in the car en route, things like
" I'm thinking to take you guys to the library", or
" How about we take a ride to Grandma's?", or
" This weekend we're going to splash park wonderland!"
are not a good idea.
Unless, like I said, you're actually on the way.
Because the children will not care if an earthquake ensues. Once it all dies down, they will bat their eyes and say
" I thought you said we were going to _____ ( fill in the blank). "
Then try explaining that "things happen" to 3, 4, and 5 year olds. Go ahead, do it. 
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