Just Not Today....

I know, I know- or maybe I don't know.
I could barely pray with the children this morning because I grew frustrated too quickly. Oh Father help me, as my fruit of temperance, and long-suffering are definitely in need of cultivation.
I had a headache that grew with my impatience. I grew hot and irritated- maybe it's the hormones- but i had to turn off the fan in order for us to hear one another well during our devotions.
I just wanted to get it over with.
I don't want to be strong today.
my strength is made perfect in your weakness
But God that seems like an excuse for me to not try. I mean I want to do nothing that demands my attention, responsibility, my delegation; I want to kneel on the floor by my bed and hope for an audible voice from heaven to direct my every step today. I just want you to say, hear do this, it's laid all out for you-- like the step by step directions in the "adult assembly required" furniture box.
I can't control that they just don't seem to understand my passion when it comes to their salvation and protecting them from the obvious and subtle evils of this world, especially those oozing from this tube of hypnosis called the television.
I can't control it. And trying is tiring.
I'm tired today.
I'm too tired, and I wish I didn't care so much.
I've been around and have seen the result of irresponsible, un-caring, selfish parenting.
But today I'm tired- mentally
It's overwhelming- this responsibility of other human beings with varying personalities, and preferences, and dispositions, and maturity levels.
And then how can I demand of them, what I am still working toward?
my grace is sufficient- for you and for them
my strength is made perfect in your weakness
Maybe in my weakness there is a a testimony to grace. In my short comings, they see that mommy is imperfect, but striving, no, pressing, to perfection by God's grace.
I pray that the times I am short-tempered, God's grace fills in the cracks. I pray that when I am in a less-than-sociable mood, that God's sufficient grace provides them comfort.
I pray in those times, that I too find grace, and the strength to carry on , after I have found rest for my soul.
"When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I"- Psalm 61:2
Praying God gives you the strength and comfort you need. Love ya and am here for ya whatever you need. :-)