Holy and Happy pt 1

Lately I had been turning over thoughts of marriage and notions of happiness and how to have both simultaneously. I recently read the beginnings of a book that was titled "What if Marriage was meant to make you Holy, not Happy?"
By all means I imagine the author was not trying to say happiness is not to be expected in marriage. Granted, it was making the point that happiness , while not the goal,  is the product of the pursuit of holiness.
Never the less, I believe we can expect happiness- it just looks different from one individual to the next.

So first let me clarify what I mean by happy.
Immediately the word "happy"  evokes, for me, a sense of rest and satisfaction. It's a sense of accomplishment- things are as it should be.

It's watching my children hungrily chomping away at their sandwiches in the middle of the day, knowing they  are one less meal away from hunger. It's hearing the chaos in the hallway from a hide and seek game that has gotten out of hand, and cringing at the noise , yet secretly smiling at the accompanying joy. It's having a cut off notice for the lights but not worrying one bit, because you and your husband are from the "buckle in and knuckle up" club- and we've got each other.

Yes happiness for me does not mean things are "perfect". It simply means things are in place, and are at a level that I can cope.

With that in mind, it's understood that couples may get to a point in marriage where they are merely surviving the day, and they lose sight of happiness. They lose grip with peace and satisfaction as things spiral out of proportion. 

I admit, I may look at my husband at the end of the day, in the middle of a chore, with a put-on smile that only serves to reveal my exhaustion even more. It's on those moments I am silently hoping he can receive the telepathic message: "I see you babe. I just have no energy for us right now." This exhaustion, coupled with dissatisfaction at the result of all the output of my energy, renders me unhappy. 

The problem, they say, is when we look to one another to make us happy.
Or is it? 
 To be continued...


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