Not an option: Trusting GOD
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and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.*- Prov. 3:5-6
*will direct your paths
Now we look at this verse and there is something worth taking note of here.
Does it say, " You can trust in the Lord..."? or maybe
"You could trust in the Lord..." ? or how about we read it like
"You should trust in the Lord..."?
Yeah that sounds kinda right doesn't it?
Here's a hint: it starts with an "n" and rhymes with oh.
As believers I find that many of us tend to read certain scripture and regard it as optional tidbits of advice. We view the Word of God as maxims and idioms and great quotes that inspire. But the Holy Bible is more than that.
It is first of all HOLY. It is set apart from any other written or spoken word in the entire world, no even the universe. It is God's voice captured in tangible form. God breathed out these words, and Holy submitted human beings simply wrote what God authored.
The verse above is not a suggestion, but many times we treat it like it is. Here's another example.
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.- Phil. 4:6
What do you notice here?
Again, no, "you shouldn't be", or "I encourage you to not be..." .
It's not a suggestion- it's a command. Why? Because our loving Father knows the downward spiral we jump onto, like a roller-coaster ride, when we give in to anxiety and worry.
Our Father lovingly commands us to instead of trying to figure things out on our own, submit to him in all of our ways. ALL our ways. Why? He wrote our life story, and has the map. Ask him what to do and where to go? I mean wouldn't we do that with any, like say , tour guide? I'd be the one constantly tapping the guide on the shoulder:
Me:Tap,tap,tap-"Hey there buddy, uh, what's next from here? "
Guide: The Falls.
Me: Tap,tap- "How much farther to the falls?"
Guide: .4 miles
Me: Tap -" Oh look! The map shows a clearing up ahead- is this a good spot to rest?"
Guide: No. It's popular for roaming raccoon and an occasional moose, and no you can't pet them.
Me: Ok,Yeah. I wanna know that. (Yes I just imagined an entire conversation here- don't judge me..)
The point is, God did not eenie-meenie-mynie-mo his way around the Bible. Each Word, syllable, comma, and colon was strategically placed to convey his heart of love to us. It's like a 66 versed love letter. He loves us too much to leave out anything that would bring us closer to him. This is the plan. Trust God. Obey his word. And live it out to the fullest. He will empower you.
-Blessings, Chantel
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