Just perfect
I decided I need more magnets for the refrigerator.
Not Z's- but close |
So to the handy dandy dollar store for more magnets- and tape.
See, there I was standing in front of the stand-up freezer deciding on whose art was going to be rotated from the center, to the top, or off altogether. I was holding a beautiful painting, done by hand- a one-of-a- kind Z original. It had to go up somewhere.
Just minutes before, I was handed this exquisite piece of expressionism with pure excitement. It was a sheet of paper. It was painted blue- and it was perfect. The finger strokes created a gradient that made it look like ocean waves with the white seeping through.
It warmed my heart to see the joy in his face as he showed me his work. It was his heart on paper. He expressed himself and I had a tangible piece of him in my hands. Priceless.
I worked at getting it just right.
The day came and I was filled with heightened anticipation and excitement.
It was time to worship, and I was to sing.
I sang with passion, and heart.
I sang high, low, soft and loud.
I sang high, low, soft and loud.
Oh no! I missed some words, and laughed.
I tried to maintain pitch and... it was OK.

Still we worshiped, and led our family in Christ in exuberant worship unto the Lord.
Suddenly the place was lit. There was a spiritual takeover- the kind when, like ocean waves, you just let go into it and get taken in-- the overwhelming sense of lift that would take more effort and energy to resist. so you don't.
The Holy Ghost was in full sweep in the house. By the time we left, hearts were full, and bodies were fully exercised.
The Holy Ghost was in full sweep in the house. By the time we left, hearts were full, and bodies were fully exercised.
That evening before falling asleep I sat up in bed and thanked God for his presence, strong and powerful in the worship service. I acknowledged that it was all him. I thanked him.
Early the next morning I was awakened to pray and the Lord spoke to me :
" Your definition of perfect is not my definition of perfect when it comes to the orchestration of moments of time. In spite of what you view as imperfections, I can and will do my work. What you view as imperfect I view as heartfelt, sweet, genuine and endearing. The motive of the heart is what speaks, not the precision of talent. The love quality of the gift from a child is what a parent values."
He then reminded me of the "picture perfect" rendering of the sky by Z. I understood. God is my father and is moved to smiles and joy when we, from our hearts, give him our unbound worship. When we just let the love flow from us in adoration of Abba, it is received as inviting , genuine, and sweet to him.
We do not have to worry about precision so much as passion. May our worship be in spirit. May our worship be in truth. And may it be unto God, wholly.
Be encouraged.
Be encouraged.
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