Can We go?
My children asked me this after we read the book of Jude for our morning worship/devotions this past Friday.
"Can we go?"
My thoughts were reaching. Well the right answer is of course we can, but it's just not convenient- right? I so wanted to. I really missed it but...
The children- 5 of them- with me- going?
Sensing my hesitation my oldest daughter proceeded to remind me that we use to do this. We use to go out, and walk around our neighborhood, the last few places we've lived, and witness to whomever we met. I talked to neighbors and passers-by about Jesus, about salvation, about hope, about the cross. It was invigorating. It was delightful. It was nervewrecking. It was fulfilling.
That was a different time, a different place, right? She broke through my thoughts again.
"So after breakfast? Can we go?"
"Yes"- I finally respond. Of course we can.
So we went.
We knocked on a few doors. I carried my bible. I talked to two families, both responsive. I invited them to church. I offered prayer. I figured it was a start.
The children got hot.
Two people. But it was more than zero.
Two days later I was back at it. We knocked on doors. I offered prayer, a listening ear, an invite. I prayed with a young lady at her door for healing. I offered a bible study to a neighbor. They'll think about it they said. It's in God's hands. For one plants, one waters, but He gives the increase. Only 4 or 5 people that day. I smiled.
One day later, today, I did the same. Only 2. One door shot down my confidence bubble, as they talked loudly to one another through the open door -
"I think someone is at the door."
"Well they should be leaving because I have a no solicitng sign on the door."
I spotted it then. I smiled a big smile, and mimed an I'm sorry and walked away.
But still,
Planting seeds.
AS I left that neighborhood, I said Lord this is quite a challenge. Then I I felt him speak to me - it is a natural outgushing of his spirit. Don't make it harder than it has to be. Do what you are able, and God will make little into much. I may not be able to go door to door always, but he has a remnant for that. I may be able to plant a seed of the Gospel only in the supermarket aisle, at the park, or running errands. But plant seeds I must. I may not be able to hold a street revival ( Oh how I'd love to do that!) but God knows my season and my desire. He has someone for that as well.

So you too, parents of one or many, you do have a role to play in evangelizing our world. Start with the world around you. Plant a seed. Ask someone if they have given thought to salvation today. Tell someone you have been thinking about them and wonder if you could say a prayer for them. Ask someone if they'd like to have a bible study over lunch or dinner one day. Be a neighbor, be a friend build a relationship with those around you. Just step out in faith , and shake off fear.
So can we go?
Yes, because God equipped us with his spirit to do just that.
"Can we go?"
My thoughts were reaching. Well the right answer is of course we can, but it's just not convenient- right? I so wanted to. I really missed it but...
The children- 5 of them- with me- going?
Sensing my hesitation my oldest daughter proceeded to remind me that we use to do this. We use to go out, and walk around our neighborhood, the last few places we've lived, and witness to whomever we met. I talked to neighbors and passers-by about Jesus, about salvation, about hope, about the cross. It was invigorating. It was delightful. It was nervewrecking. It was fulfilling.
That was a different time, a different place, right? She broke through my thoughts again.
"So after breakfast? Can we go?"
"Yes"- I finally respond. Of course we can.
So we went.
We knocked on a few doors. I carried my bible. I talked to two families, both responsive. I invited them to church. I offered prayer. I figured it was a start.
The children got hot.
Two people. But it was more than zero.

One day later, today, I did the same. Only 2. One door shot down my confidence bubble, as they talked loudly to one another through the open door -
"I think someone is at the door."
"Well they should be leaving because I have a no solicitng sign on the door."
I spotted it then. I smiled a big smile, and mimed an I'm sorry and walked away.
But still,
Planting seeds.
AS I left that neighborhood, I said Lord this is quite a challenge. Then I I felt him speak to me - it is a natural outgushing of his spirit. Don't make it harder than it has to be. Do what you are able, and God will make little into much. I may not be able to go door to door always, but he has a remnant for that. I may be able to plant a seed of the Gospel only in the supermarket aisle, at the park, or running errands. But plant seeds I must. I may not be able to hold a street revival ( Oh how I'd love to do that!) but God knows my season and my desire. He has someone for that as well.

So you too, parents of one or many, you do have a role to play in evangelizing our world. Start with the world around you. Plant a seed. Ask someone if they have given thought to salvation today. Tell someone you have been thinking about them and wonder if you could say a prayer for them. Ask someone if they'd like to have a bible study over lunch or dinner one day. Be a neighbor, be a friend build a relationship with those around you. Just step out in faith , and shake off fear.
So can we go?
Yes, because God equipped us with his spirit to do just that.
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