That Jesus Joy (and Peace)

This joy I have, The world didn't give it to me
This joy I have, The world didn't give it to me
The world didn't give it-
The world can't take it away
The words of this chorus echo in my heart as I ponder on the realities of the world around us. Daily we battle with the bombardment of provocative messages of happiness and satisfaction through natural means. If we eat this or that we can be satisfied.If we buy this or that we can feel accomplished. If we engage in this or that we can feel wanted. If we do this or that we won't feel lonely.
Here's the problem. The seeming satisfaction from these things is always fleeting.
The high goes away, the buzz wears off, the company leaves, the sexual excitement fades, the climax ends, the job becomes the master and you the slave, the food rots, the party stops, the music dulls- and you're left feeling empty and sometimes used or drained.
When we seek joy...
or comfort...
or relief from pain...
or companionship...
or happiness...
or satisfaction...
or peace...
by our own means, we will always be let down.
When joy and peace comes from God however, it's unending.
Jesus joy is lasting and easily accessible to every single person in the world. John 15:11
Jesus joy is comforting. Joy is in the Holy Spirit, who is the comforter. It is in fact Jesus' own Spirit that he imparts to those who repent and believe on his name. John 14:18
Jesus Joy is enabling, not disabling. Nehemiah 8:10
Jesus joy is filling. You are not left empty but full. Acts 2:28
Jesus peace is reviving. It does not leave you mindless or numb- it leaves you empowered and clear-headed. 2 Timothy 1:7
Jesus peace is uniting. It brings you together not pushes you away from others. Ephesians 4:3
When we are drawn to find joy, or comfort, or settlement of mind through means other than God the result is temporary. More times than not the medium of choice leaves you feeling more unsettled, and more joy-less, and more depressed and emptier than before.
Jesus says, come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
What do we do when we are drawn away of our own desires?
Turn to God.
What do we do when we feel we are the only one who can soothe our hurts?
Turn to God.
How do we turn to God?
Whisper his name.
Or cry out his name.
And He will come to you.
Satan wants to make us believe we are alone and no one cares. He is a liar.
God cares for you.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.- John 14:27
The words of this chorus echo in my heart as I ponder on the realities of the world around us. Daily we battle with the bombardment of provocative messages of happiness and satisfaction through natural means. If we eat this or that we can be satisfied.If we buy this or that we can feel accomplished. If we engage in this or that we can feel wanted. If we do this or that we won't feel lonely.
Here's the problem. The seeming satisfaction from these things is always fleeting.
The high goes away, the buzz wears off, the company leaves, the sexual excitement fades, the climax ends, the job becomes the master and you the slave, the food rots, the party stops, the music dulls- and you're left feeling empty and sometimes used or drained.
When we seek joy...
or comfort...
or relief from pain...
or companionship...
or happiness...
or satisfaction...
or peace...
by our own means, we will always be let down.
When joy and peace comes from God however, it's unending.
Jesus joy is lasting and easily accessible to every single person in the world. John 15:11
Jesus joy is comforting. Joy is in the Holy Spirit, who is the comforter. It is in fact Jesus' own Spirit that he imparts to those who repent and believe on his name. John 14:18
Jesus Joy is enabling, not disabling. Nehemiah 8:10
Jesus joy is filling. You are not left empty but full. Acts 2:28
Jesus peace is reviving. It does not leave you mindless or numb- it leaves you empowered and clear-headed. 2 Timothy 1:7
Jesus peace is uniting. It brings you together not pushes you away from others. Ephesians 4:3

Jesus says, come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
What do we do when we are drawn away of our own desires?
Turn to God.
What do we do when we feel we are the only one who can soothe our hurts?
Turn to God.
How do we turn to God?
Whisper his name.
Or cry out his name.
And He will come to you.
Satan wants to make us believe we are alone and no one cares. He is a liar.
God cares for you.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.- John 14:27
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