My help comes from the Lord
Ever heard the story of the man caught in a flood, forced to climb the roof of his house, and in desperation he prays to God for help? A row boat passes, whose passengers offer help but he refuses saying that he is waiting on the Lord to help. A bigger boat passes by and the same scenario. Then a helicopter flys by overhead and offers help, but again, he refuses, saying that the Lord is going to help him. Well soon enough the water rose until it was well over his head. The conclusion here is obvious.
In a similar vein my husband and I found ourselves in need of help. We were facing a situaton that seemed to snowball beyond our control until it reached a point of desperation. I prayed. We prayed. We looked outside for assistance. We were given the run around. We praised. We gave thanks. We knew the Lord would come through.

When? On time.
At one point my husband decides we need to ask for help. I hesitated. What would this say about- us? How would we look? His readiness to ask for help convicted me. How foolish of me I thought. He pointed out that it would look more foolish for us to be knocked down from what could have been avoided than to ask for help in avoiding the inevitable.
Like the man in he story, I wanted God to help, but I was expecting it in a different way.
How foolish.
In the course of 2 days, the only thing overwhelming us, per se, was the aid of our loved ones . It was like night and day. As soon as I swallowed my pride and asked- it was given.
As a matter of fact things were being given without asking. God used people around me to offer help.
even as the help was coming I found myself refusing the amount of help.
"Here take this"
" Oh no I couldn't take all of this"
"I insist"
" Maybe just half?"

How foolish. even in need I wanted to appear , what? Socially ettiquette? not so desperate?
Father forgive me, for trying to direct your help rather than accepting it fully.
And still his grace is sufficient. We are still in the middle of this trial, yet we are on the coming out end of it. God is gracious. He is still sending help, by the hand of our neighobrs and family of God.
The biggest thing in this however, is the revelation not just of his hand, but the revelation of pride in my heart. I did not know it was there.
God is so full of grace.
When I ask, it will be given, and I will receive of the Lord, how he decides to bless. I am still learning. I am so glad he is patient with me.
My help comes continually from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.- Psa 121:2
It can be so hard to accept help. I guess we're raised in a culture where we should be good enough to do it on our own.
ReplyDeleteThankful that we do have a God we can rely on to supply every need.
Know that we're here for ya'll whatever you need.
my "humblest" thanks! :D