Enough already with the Virtuous WOman !

Proverbs 31: 10-31 may evoke sighs of defeat from some of us. From those on the other end, it may evoke a sense of prideful accomplishment. Neither one of these responses is what God intended.

Here are some things I learned this week in Study of this chapter( that seems to be nothing left to be studied... : )
(C) Chantel Dillard, 2011

1. The virtuous woman is not a guidepost, but a goal to move toward
2. When all is said and done, the most important message to glean when we reach verse 31 is that HE ( God), not she, is to be our focus.
3. The book of proverbs is to teach wisdom. Proverbs 2:1-4 incites  us to incline, apply, cry out, pray, seek, and search- in response to the wisdom and the teachings of this book. It is a process.
4.Again Proverbs 31 is not a focus on immediate results, but ultimate ones.
5. . The virtuous woman has her priorities straight. It is walking in God's grace that makes us agents of Grace to others.
6. We can not make ourselves into a virtuous woman, but if we walk  with God day by day, yielding our lives to his control, He will keep making us more like Jesus until he returns.
"steeping  a perfect pot of tea" (C) C.Dillard, 2011
7. We are in process: Luke 2:52 marks that Jesus kept increasing in wisdom, in stature, in favor with God, and favor with men. Even Jesus was involved in process.
8. Victory is not me overcoming sin, it is Jesus overcoming me.
9. The first step toward change is not gritting your teeth and trying harder, it is in complete surrender to God. Commitment is one thing, surrender, saying I can do none of this without you Father, is another.
-from my notes on Life Principles from the Women of the Bible Book 1

Be encouraged sisters and friends.


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