The Versatile Blogger - How Nice!

Thank you Lisa for the wonderful honor of being nominated for the Versatile Blogger award. I love visiting you at Olive Plants all around My Table, for your inspiring take on lessons learned.

It looks like there are some rules  for the award:
1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post. ( check)
2. Share 7 random things about yourself
3. Nominate 5 fellow bloggers and let them know about it

So how about 7 randoms about Chantel:
1.I wear glasses, and I think I look more put together with them than without
2. I'd rather NOT drive at night
3.I have been writing songs since age 8 and I still have them
4.I majored in Architectural design for a year before I switched to English
5.I took the LSAT
6.i love earthy tones - browns, tans, golds
7. I secretly wish I could ballet

And my 5 nominees are ( drum roll please)

My Heart's at Home

Olive Plants all Around My Table

Time-Warp Wife

All You Have To Give

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home


  1. Congrats on your nomination and thank you so much for your nomination of me. More importantly for your encouraging words and prayers.


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