Singing a new song and other things
It is amazing how God can use so many of us in so many different ways, yet for one purpose and that is for the progression of His kingdom here on earth.
This has me thinking about the hundreds of us singer/songwriters out there. How can there be room for anymore? still, for some reason, no matter how many ways to say I love you, there are still many more ways it can be said. No matter how many times sadness and joys are felt, there are still more ways to tell it. We can still, like the Psalm says, sing a new song. ( Click to hear)
And this brings me to the CROSS. It is the one place, where, though millions have come- there is still room for one more, and another
and another
When it comes to following the vision and calling God placed in your heart, step out on faith. Don't compare yourself to so and so. God's calling on you is as unique as you are. Remember that he will equip you, He will provide, and He is not slack concerning his promises to you.
And this brings me to the CROSS. It is the one place, where, though millions have come- there is still room for one more, and another
and another
When it comes to following the vision and calling God placed in your heart, step out on faith. Don't compare yourself to so and so. God's calling on you is as unique as you are. Remember that he will equip you, He will provide, and He is not slack concerning his promises to you.
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