Much Ado about nothing? Technology 2 mommy , zilch

I am sitting at the corner computer typing away. My son has whisked upstairs to his newly installed telly and PlayStation. My daughters are ready to click on the house telly in the family room. *Big Sigh.

We just came from out of the scorching heat which I forced us into after a semi-loud declaration of " I'm walking to the park!" Followed by a self thought of who;s coming with me? A faint, one- third- excited ( Only Laynie) chorus of " I"m coming too!" trailed behind as I slid into my "every days" by the front door.

Yeah. That lasted. For about 10 or 15 minutes.

We all trudged back to the house whipped mercilessly by the sun, as it seemed to laugh it's fiery breath on our backs.

So back to the present: Bri clicks on the TV and I immediately bring that to a halt. They had TV time today, I will not give in, so I think. I suggest a book ( isn't that what we always do?) She counter offers with going back outside, but this time in the back, she says, where there is shade she justifies. Oh,OK, suit yourself ( in my mind I am thinking, WE JUST CAME FROM OUT THERE!)
Within 2 minutes, however, she is back in the house, and has made her way to Mak's room.
I say to myself, TRY HARDER! But how? I made them the cornstarch play clay and they proceeded to roll the clay  IN THE CARPET!  I bought activity books and crayons, and that is fun for only a few minutes at a time. We have tons of books. They have board games, but Laynie is always the cause for concern because ( in as whiny a voice as possible) she doesn't know how to play. [ candy land? C'mon!]
So I guess technology has won again. I am sure each parental generation goes through this. Because when I was younger I couldn't wait to get outside or curl up with a good read, or sit and draw--

But Hey! Don't get me started, because I might start to sound like  a voice I know all too well.

Then again, according to this generation, there is nothing better to do... (* Sigh)

Eccl. 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Eccl. 3:14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him.

15 Whatever is has already been,
and what will be has been before;
and God will call the past to account. [a]


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