Slow Down and smell the ro-, uh, flowers?

Walk, walk,
walk, walk
"Laynie, come on!"

Walk, walk, walk
ughhh. " Come on Lay, we have to get Mak and Bri from school."

Hands on Hips

"I want to pick da flowers mah- mm, I want to pick da flowers"

I wonder if she would care if I told her they were weeds, really.

Breathe in and out slowly, and count to 10. That should be long enough, right? To pick dandy lions.
Yellow ones, White puffy ones, and deflowered ones. None get overlooked.

"Here mommy, I picked them far you!"
Big Grin.

 Smile, Chantel.
I place the eccentric bouquet gently in the strollers cup holder, take the fleshy little hand into mine again, pushing the stroller with the other hand.

Walk, walk
walk, walk, walk
Slow down.
Thank you , Jesus, for the flowers.
"Thank you, Laynie Bae"


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